
       福建育信纺织科技有限公司(简称“ 育信科技”)是一家致力于生物基可降解环保材料及其制品的研发、生产和销售的高新技术企业。目前公司依托中国聚乳酸产业联盟(CPIU)之全产业链纤维织造技术,不仅率先替代石油基化学纤维,将 PLA 生物纤维及功能性面料广泛应用于校服领域,实现了聚乳酸纤维的产业化和规模化应用;同时,聚乳酸服装以其亲肤滑爽、抑菌防螨、抗皱免烫、阻燃保暖、易洗快干等显著特点,呈现出前所未有的殊胜体验和呵护关爱。育信科技公司,作为连接中国聚乳酸产业和教育装备行业的桥梁,在企业战略发展方面,接受中国聚乳酸产业联盟和福建省教育装备行业协会的业务指导;在产品设计、加工和市场推广方面,形成了以浙江大学、东华大学、香港理工、龙都生物、恒丰/华源、阳光/旭日等国内最强的纺织领域全产业链联盟阵容,是中国聚乳酸校服联盟的主发起人和行业先行者。育德利生、推诚布信。为教育产业而创生、以企业信誉为使命,作为教育装备领域最值得信赖的绿色品牌,是我们育信人永恒不懈地追求;诚邀社会各路精英和有识之士加盟创业,诚邀相关科研机构和品牌企业携手同行、联盟发展。

        Fujian Yuxin Textile Technology Co., Ltd ("YuxinTechnology") is a high-tech enterprise committed tothe research, development, production and marketingof biodegradable and environmentally friendlymaterials and products. At present, relying on the fiber weaving technology of  the whole industry chain of China Polylactic-Acid Union(CPU), the company not only takes the lead in replacing petroleum-based chemical fiber, but also widely applies PLA biological fiber and functional fabric in the field of school uniforms. Yuxin Technology Company, as a bridge between China's PLA industry and the educational equipment industry, eceives the business guidance of the China Polylactic-Acid Union and the Fujian Education equipment Industry Association in terms of enterprise strategic development; in product design, In terms of processing and arketing, we have formed a lineup of the strongest all-industry chain alliances in the textile field in China, such as Zhejiang University, Tung Wah University, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Longdu Biology, Hengfeng / Huayuan, Sunshine / Sunrise, etc. China Polylactic Acid uniform Union is the main sponsor and industry pioneer. To create for the education industry, take the enterprise prestige as the life, swear to be the most reliable green brand in the field of education equipment, is our education faith person eternal unremitting pursue; invites the society each elite and the person of insight to join the enterprise sincerely, Invite relevant scientific research institutions and brand enterprises to join hands and develop the alliance.